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责任 荣誉 国家-第3章

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ments are for the things that are right; and its restrain ts are from the things that are wrong。
  The soldier; above all other men; is required to practice the greatest act o f religious training: sacrifice。  In battle and in the face of danger and deat h; he discloses those divine attributes which his Maker gave when he created man  in his own image。 No physical courage and no brute instinct can take the place  of the Divine help which alone can sustain him。
  However horrible the incidents of war may be; the soldier who is called upon  to offer and to give his life for his country is the noblest development of man kind。
  You now face a new world — a world of change。 The thrust into outer space o f the satellite; spheres; and missiles mark the beginning of another epoch in th e long story of mankind。 In the five or more billions of years the scientists te ll us it has taken to form the earth; in the three or more billion years of deve lopment of the human race; there has never been a more abrupt or staggering evol ution。 We deal now not with things of this world alone; but with the illimitable  distances and as yet unfathomed mysteries of the universe。 We are reaching out  for a new and boundless frontier。

序 言(7)
We speak in strange terms: of harnessing the cosmic energy; of making winds  and tides work for us; of creating unheard synthetic materials to supplement or  even replace our old standard basics; to purify sea water for our drink; of mini ng ocean floors for new fields of wealth and food; of disease preventatives to e xpand life into the hundreds of years; of controlling the weather for a more equ itable distribution of heat and cold; of rain and shine; of space ships to the m oon; of the primary target in war; no longer limited to the armed forces of an e nemy; but instead to include his civil populations; of ultimate conflict between  a united human race and the sinister forces of some other planetary galaxy; of  such dreams and fantasies as to make life the most exciting of all time。
  And through all this welter of change and development; your mission remains  fixed; determined,inviolable: it is to win our wars。
  Everything else in your professional career is but corollary to this vital d edication。 All other public purposes; all other public projects; all other publi c needs; great or small; will find others for their acplishment。 But you are  the ones who are trained to fight。 Yours is the profession of arms;  the will to  win; the sure knowledge that in war there is no substitute for victory; that if  you lose; the nation will be destroyed; that the very obsession of your public  service must be: Duty; Honor; Country。
  Others will debate the controversial issues; national and international; whi ch divide men's minds; but serene; calm; aloof; you stand as the Nation's warg uardian; as its lifeguard from the raging tides of international conflict; as it s gladiator in the arena of battle。 For a century and a half you have defended;  guarded; and protected its hallowed traditions of liberty and freedom; of right  and justice。
  Let civilian voices argue the merits or demerits of our processes of governm ent; whether our strength is being sapped by deficit financing; indulged in too  long; by federal paternalism grown too mighty; by power groups grown too arrogan t; by politics grown too corrupt; by crime grown too rampant; by morals grown to o low; by taxes grown too high; by extremists grown too violent; whether our per sonal liberties are as thorough and plete as they should be。 These great nati onal problems are not for your professional participation or military solution。  Your guidepost stands out like a tenfold beacon in the night: Duty; Honor; Cou ntry。
  You are the leaven which binds together the entire fabric of our national sy stem of defense。 From your ranks e the great captains who hold the nation's d estiny in their hands the moment the war tocsin sounds。 The Long Gray Line has n ever failed us。 Were you to do so; a million ghosts in olive drab; in brown khak i; in blue and gray; would rise from their white crosses thundering those magic  words: Duty; Honor; Country。
  This does not mean that you are war mongers。
  On the contrary; the soldier; above all other people; prays for peace; for h e must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war。
  But always in our ears ring the ominous words of Plato that wisest of all ph ilosophers: “Only the dead have seen the end of war。”
  The shadows are lengthening for me。 The twilight is here。 My days of old hav e vanished; tone and tint。 They have gone glimmering through the dreams of thing s that were。 Their memory is one of wondrous beauty; watered by tears; and coaxe d and caressed by the smiles of yesterday。 I listen vainly; but with thirsty ear s; for the witching melody of faint bugles blowing reveille; of far drums beatin g the long roll。 In my dreams I hear again the crash of guns; the rattle of musk etry; the strange; mournful mutter of the battlefield。
  But in the evening of my memory; always I e back to West Point。
  Always there echoes and reechoes: Duty; Honor; Country。
  Today marks my final roll call with you; but I want you to know that when I  cross the river my last conscious thoughts will be of The Corps; and The Corps;  and The Corps。
  I bid you farewell。


  美国西点军校全称“美国陆军军官学校”。200年来,一直是美国培养领导人的重要场 所。学校因位于纽约市北郊的哈得孙峡谷河上肘状的三角岩石坡地上,该点被当地人称为“ 西点”,故习惯上又被称为“西点军校”。西点军校的教官们和军校生们也常常被称为“西 点人”。
  西点校园及附属教学区位于哈得孙河上游的高山,依山傍水,风光秀丽,总面积为1600 0公顷。一系列哥特式建筑风格的建筑物从内向外被起伏的群山环抱。内圈为主要校园区, 由教学大楼、学员区、运动场与活动中心等组成。其中教学大楼及其周围的建筑被命名为“ 华盛顿楼”,楼前于1916年建立了一座展现华盛顿马上得天下的塑像。号称世界最大可容纳 全校五六千官兵同时就餐的军校大餐厅,就在华盛顿楼内。外圈则由冬季滑雪场、高尔夫球 场、训练与野营区等构成。整体建筑以学校的大运动场为中心展开,而校长的宿舍就坐落在 大运动场边上,象征着校长与学员的亲密关系。校长一般由三星级中将担任。西点第三任校 长塞耶上校被称为“西点之父”。
  20世纪90年代,有一位中将校长在感叹之余,曾留下这样一句名言:我们所教的历史的 大部分其实都是由我们教过的学生创造的。在西点军校200年的历程中,为美国培养了众多 的军事人才,其中有3700人成为将军。著名的有:美国南北战争中的北方联邦军总司令格兰 特,南部联盟军总司令李将军,第一次世界大战中美国远征军总司令潘兴,第二次世界大战 中的太平洋盟军统帅麦克阿瑟,欧洲战场盟军总司令艾森豪威尔,第12集团军司令布瑞德利 ,第3集团军司令巴顿,中印缅战区司令史迪威,侵越美军司令威斯勃兰特,海湾战争中央 总部司令施瓦茨科普夫,科索沃战争美军指挥官克拉克将军等。除此之外,西点军校在培养 大批军事家的同时,还为美国培养和造就了众多的政治家、企业家、教育家和科学家。其中 著名的有:美国第18任总统格兰特,第24任总统艾森豪威尔,第59任国务卿黑格,国际银行 主席奥姆斯特德,军火大王杜邦,巴拿马运河的总工程师戈瑟尔斯,第一个在太空中行走的 宇航员怀特,现任国务卿鲍威尔等。在西点军校建校200周年庆典上,西点人骄傲地喊出这 样一个口号:“西点军校,永恒的领袖。”
  凡报考西点军校的青年,条件必须是美国公民(盟军学员除外),年龄在17~22岁,身 高~米,未婚,在军校学习期间不许结婚,亦不能有任何子女或其他人需要抚养, 不论种族、肤色、宗教信仰和性别。报考生必须在当地高中学习成绩名列本班前茅,且身体 健康,具有一定的组织领导才能,在参加考试的前一年还必须得到美国总统、副总统、参议 员、众议员、州长、市长或部队主管的推荐。即使有这样严格的报考条件,每年登记报考的 人仍然在12000人左右,能得到推荐并参加考试的约5000人。获得正式报考资格的青年,还 必须参加并通过国家统一组织的大学入学考试,经过一轮轮考试和测验,剩余2000多人。然 后,各军种学员入学资格评审委员会从德、智、体等方面全面衡量,择优录取,最后仅1400 人有幸被录取。从1976年7月初起,按总统法令规定,西点军校首次开始招收女生,首批为1 19名,90年代已增至800余人,占学员总数的1/6。

录取入学后,并不意味着“万事大吉”了。每个学员在考入西点前都要做好被淘汰的思 想准备并作出相应保证。其父母也应保证做好工作,不留后患。西点军校学员自入校之日起 ,就要接受严格的检验与筛选,实行优化与淘汰制。第1学年新生淘汰率为23%,最终能学 完4年毕业的学员占入学总人数的70%左右,女生淘汰率更高。学员经过4年学习毕业后,获 理科学士学位,授少尉军衔。学员毕业后,至少应在军队连续服役5年。在校期间,开支主 要由国会拨款支付,每月可领取津贴。1年级学生每月70美元,到4年级每月可达200美元左 右。
  西点军校4年制本科学员的课程共40门,其中30门为必修课程,主要有数学、工程、英 语、历史、社会科学、心理学与国家安全课题。10门选修课包括基础科学、应用科学、工程 学、人文学、国家安全事务与公共事务等。各学科还分细目。在教学中,西点重视采用新技 术辅助教学,使军校的课堂教学达到高水平,尤其在教学技术方面实现了电教一体化。
  西点的教学方法,往往与众不同,有着独特的魅力。西点的第3任校长西尔韦纳斯?塞 耶在任内15年中,为西点创建了完善的教育训练制度,第一次为西点军校的图书馆系统地从 欧洲大规模购置图书。他把西点的准则、西点的气质、西点的信念传到了全国。其中最著名 的做法是:在西点按照德、智、军、体的教学目标建立起了严格而单调的生活制度。而“野 兽营”则成了新生入学教育阶段的过滤器,这一阶段淘汰率为15%以上。
  在“野兽营”中,精力旺盛的中高年级学员把捉弄新学员当做发泄的最好方法。中高年 级学员可以随意对新学
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